Lisa Rogers

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New Start, New Year, New Me! Here we go again……

How many times have we heard variations of these at the start of each New Year? 

It’s the ideal time for setting new goals and plans, but often the resolutions made in the quest for a “healthier you” can actually hinder and keep you further from your goal! 

So here are three strategies to help you on your journey:

Small Changes

Start with small changes such as drinking more water, training 2-3 times a week and choosing your food thoughtfully. I always start my day with 1 litre of ice cold water (which is my particular preference) followed by a mug of warm (freshly squeezed) lemon water which will help amongst other things to restore and regenerate the liver, absorb essential vitamins and minerals i.e. vitamin C and potassium and helps maintain a healthy weight. More on the benefits of water in my next blog. Then I allow myself that long awaited cup of coffee. Look at it this way, if your not exercising that day you are already over half way through your daily recommended intake before you’ve even had breakfast. Perfect!

Guilty Pleasures

Don’t give up all your “guilty pleasures” in one go If your goal is to give up alcohol, chocolate, caffeine its not a good idea to give them up completely all at once. Your more likely to succeed if you do this in a series of small steps. Choose a small goal to start with and build slowly from there. For example, cut your alcohol consumption by one third as a first step

Attitude, Outlook, Motivation, Continuation

Change the way you think about exercise and try different things out until you find the perfect thing for you. I love cycling, but I'm not too keen on swimming - and that's fine. You need to believe ‘you can’ and then anything is possible! 

Remember the saying, “whether you think you can, or you think you can’t, your right”. IT’S TRUE!

