Lisa Rogers

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5 Supplements everyone should be taking

Even if you eat a varied diet filled with an abundance of whole foods, there will be certain nutrients you probably lack.

If you want to optimize body composition and live a healthy lifestyle, research shows the following nutrients are a must:


1.     Fish Oil

If you take only one supplement, fish oil is generally considered by the experts to be the one to take. Fish oil supplements are rich in the essential omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA, which are vital to good health. They support your body’s ability to prevent chronic diseases and help protect it against inflammation. They also promote a stronger immune system; cardiovascular, joint and vision health; strengthen skin, hair and nails; and enhance nutrient absorption, mood and memory and attention skills. It improves insulin sensitivity and therefore, metabolic rate is enhanced. Due to its very high thermic effect, it triggers the body to burn more calories following digestion.



2.     Multivitamin

Even diets that are rich in whole foods are nutrient deficient due to factors such as: large use of pesticides and herbicides on crops, prescription drug use and even chronic stress. Due to the fact that multivitamins combine so many nutrients into one, quality is often compromised so it’s really important that you buy from a reputable company. Always take your multi with food to assist with absorption and remember to consult your doctor if you’re on medication to ensure there isn’t any contradictions


3.     Probiotics

Probiotics are tiny bacteria that naturally occur in the gastrointestinal tract. When consumed in adequate amounts, probiotics provide an abundance of health benefits but it’s important to buy those containing live microflora bacteria.

The benefits of taking a probiotic are:

Digestion and GI Health - they aid digestion and absorption of nutrients in the gut.

Fat Loss – Research has found that probiotics help people lose belly fat by improving metabolism and raising an anti-inflammatory signal called adiponectin that improves the body’s ability to burn body fat.

Detoxification – Probiotics displace pathogenic, harmful bacteria and improve the body’s ability to eliminate waste products and foreign compounds. They also help prevent damage to the liver and other organs due to alcohol and antibiotics.


4.     Magnesium

Magnesium affects more than 300 processes in the body, so is crucial for overall health. The many benefits of taking magnesium include elevating mood, a calming effect on the nervous system making it critical for stress management and restful sleep. It is key for healthy blood sugar levels and helps control blood pressure and stress.

Supplement quality is key, so aim to purchase a magnesium which is bound by any of the following: citrate, malate, glycinate, threonate, taurate, fumarate or orotate.


5.     Vitamin D

Research shows that achieving healthy vitamin D levels is one of the easiest ways to prevent disease, promote long-term health, optimize body composition and reduce injury and illness. It enhances muscle strength, builds bone, has anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer effects and bolsters the immune system. It’s virtually impossible to get adequate amounts from food, so you have to get it from supplements and sun exposure. The recommended maintenance dose is 2000 – 4000 IU.


The key is quality of supplement, so its essential to obtain them from a reputable company, even if you have to pay a little more....but isn't your health and wellbeing worth it!


Lisa x