Lisa Rogers

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BioSignature Modulation

Have you found it difficult to achieve your fat loss goals?

I deliberately use the term fat loss as opposed to weight loss because if you’ve been following my blogs you will know that I believe your goal to achieve your ‘desired body’ is to lose fat not necessarily weight.

Can you imagine if you could identify why you feel so lifeless in the afternoon and why your diet and exercise regime doesn’t produce the results you believe your hard work warrants?

Did you know that BioSignature can help you with the above problem plus many more?

BioSignature modulation is a cutting edge, non-invasive fat loss and wellness program developed by world renowned strength coach ‘Charles Ploiquin’. The method is based on the assessment and correlation of 12 site body fat storage and how these are linked possible hormonal imbalances.

Most people are unaware that where they store there body fat is a direct indication of how healthy and balanced there hormones are. By delving into your hormonal make up we can formulate an accelerated response to obstacles that may be holding you back in your fat loss goals.

Hormonal imbalances are not only the culprit of stubborn body fat storage but also other major health concerns such as poor sleep, low energy and impaired cognitive function. By focussing on addressing these imbalances through recommended individualised programs of nutrient supplementation, diet, exercise and lifestyle modifications based on your results we can improve body composition and also enrich your life through a general sense of overall well being. This system works for everyone from athletes to those of us that just want to shift that stubborn body fat!

BioSignature goes beyond standard body fat testing and reveals your blueprint for faster fat loss!

If you are interested in Poliquin®BioSignature, click here!
