Lisa Rogers

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9 Tips to Stay Consistent with Your Fitness Plan

9 Tips To Staying Consistent with Your Fitness Plan

The key to success can be summed up in one word ‘consistency’! We all know we need to do the right things to drop weight and burn fat but we struggle to do this because we don’t stay consistent! So here are 7 tips to help you succeed:

1.     Start Slowly

People start exercise and diet regimes at a pace they cannot maintain for the long term. I encounter this problem all the time and it is one of the key reasons people fail. Don’t expect to exercise for 6 days a week without feeling depleted, if you have been living a sedentary lifestyle. Start slowly and gradually increase the intensity of your workouts as you get fitter. It takes 21-40 days to form a habit so as you continue to repeat the routine, exercising will become a habit. It works exactly the same with diet. Start with a lower calorie deficit and then increase the deficit once you learn to control hunger.

2.     Set Short Term And Long Term Goals

Research has shown that you are up to 500% more likely to succeed if you write down and review both your short and long term goals regularly. Long term goals often come with a commitment which seems a lifetime away and therefore, difficult to stick with. By setting a more attainable goal for the short term you will be encouraged to stay with the bigger plan when you begin to see results on a weekly or monthly basis.

3.     Monitor Your Progress Regularly

Jumping on the scales shouldnt be seen as the only way of monitoring progress. Include progress photos, measurements and body fat assessments. Although all of these methods have pros and cons individually, they are great for added motivation and keeping you consistent when you may be doubting the process or your commitment. I would suggest checking every two weeks as this allows enough time to see results but also make quick changes if things are not going the right way.

4.     Track You Nutrition

Track your nutrition 80% of the time or until you create an easy habit. Track 80% on a daily or weekly basis, while giving yourself some leeway 20% of the time for ‘indulgent’ foods or foods that would not ordinarily be included. Without tracking your food intake you are just hoping for the best and not establishing what works and what strategies can be used in the future if you start to plateau or need to make changes.

5.     Exercise And Set Goals With A Friend

This will keep you accountable and committed. When choosing a partner, make sure they are as committed as you, on the same fitness level and have the same schedule.

6.     Mix Up Your Routine

Change your training routine every 4-6 weeks to keep it exciting and also maximise results.

7.     Form Small Habits

Small habits like drinking 2 litres of water or eating an apple a day, will remind you of the bigger habits like exercising and tracking meals. These small healthy habits make a difference in the long run. Studies have shown that people who drank the recommended amount of water for 12 weeks lost 44% more weight than those who didn’t.

8.     Don’t Rely On Motivation

People often ask me how do you stay motivated? The truth is nobody stays motivated all of the time, including me, but I have to suck it up and exercise anyway. Do the same…


I have heard them all! I’m tired, I got held up, I feel lazy….the list goes on and on. Excuses are easy to make and justify, so don’t make them. Getting fit is not easy,  push yourself and get out of your comfort zone.