Lisa Rogers

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Stress,  Sleep and Relaxation

As promised, following on from my last blog, here’s more detail on three key lifestyle factors that will help keep your immune system healthy.

For many of us, stress is inevitable especially now during these uncertain times. 

Whilst we currently can’t control all the stressors we face; we can control our response to them. 

If we are unable to control our stress levels, acute stress can turn into chronic stress and then our health will begin to suffer and our ability to maintain a healthy immune system.

Maintaining a good sleep pattern

There are many positive things we can do to support our stress response but the first thing we should focus on is sleep. Stress can adversely affect sleep quality and duration, while insufficient sleep can increase stress levels. A good night’s sleep is essential for a long and healthy life as it enriches our ability to learn, memorise, and make logical decisions. It recalibrates our emotions, fine-tunes our metabolism, regulates our appetite and most importantly restocks our immune system. Fortunately, there are things we can do to help make sleep a priority.

The main thing is exercising good sleep practices. This means doing things which are known to improve sleep and avoiding those things which disturb sleep.

Here are some tips:

  1. Programme your body clock: keep regular hours, most of us require seven to nine hours

  2. Create the right environment: Keep your bedroom cool and free from light and noise.

  3. Introduce relaxing activities: Light stretches can help relax the muscles and meditation and breathing exercises can help relax the mind. A warm bath will also help regulate the perfect body temperature that’s ideal for sleep.

  4. Embrace morning light: Open the curtains and get outside as soon as possible.

  5. Exercise and keep active: As little as 10 minutes of aerobic exercise a day can dramatically improve sleep quality and duration

  6. Avoid blue light 1 hour before bed: TV, tablets and mobile phones. Keep them out of the bedroom

  7. Avoid nicotine and alcohol: These disrupt deep sleep

Stress busting tips

Other ways to beat stress are:

  1. Remember to eat: the stress response places extra demand on the body’s nutrients so its key to eat well and choose nutrient-dense foods such as colourful fruits and vegetables, high-quality protein and whole grains, whilst avoiding convenience foods and snacks

  2. As in our sleep tips, cut out stimulants: Alcohol, caffeine, nicotine and sugary drinks and snacks

  3. Exercise: No surprises there! It’s a great way to reduce the effects of stress

  4. Relax: In addition to exercise, making time to relax properly is an essential part of dealing with stress. Mindfulness meditation and yoga have both been found to significantly reduce stress.

Stay well and stay safe everyone!

Lisa x